Lemnos Primary School is a vibrant small rural school located 6 kilometres to the east of Shepparton. The school has been in existence for over 90 years.
The school provides a supportive village approach to education. Our multi age classes, close relationships with families and professional teachers help produce excellent outcomes in a friendly, safe and secure environment.
We place high importance on developing children’s thinking and independence skills. Our teaching and learning is contemporary, engaging and innovative. Students love coming to Lemnos Primacy School where they know they can learn in a respectful environment. Lemnos Primary School is a great school with great values.
Lemnos Primary School provides personalised and professional learning programs for all students. As a small village we have rewarding and reciprocal relationships with all villagers. The educational environment at Lemnos is about maximising all students’ academic and social development. Computers and information technology are used across the curriculum. Children are connected at Lemnos Primary School. Our school‘s core values underpin all that we do.
Our school‘s core values underpin all that we do.

We believe that children should learn and be encouraged to persist until a personal best is achieved. Excellence is recognised as an essential goal.

We believe that children should respect themselves and respect others

We believe that all students belong to Lemnos Village and that they are learning how they can contribute positively to village life.

We believe that all children should be inspired by their learning experiences and that they will leave Lemnos Primary with a belief and zeal that lifelong learning is for them.

We believe that students should have resilience to take risks in learning and bounce back. Risk taking in learning has rewards that have positive lasting benefits for students.